The Beauty of Cleveland

The Beauty of Cleveland

Friday, May 22, 2015

3 Reasons Why You're Not As Special As You Think

*insert sarcastic Dean face for emotional build up*

Are we as special as we think we are? God loves us right? Of course God loves us. Why do you think you're alive, but on the other hand, aren't other people alive too? (If you responded no to this, sorry to break it to you, we aren't in The Walking Dead.) God loves you, but he doesn't love you anymore than he loves the homeless man down the street. God doesn't pick favorites. This has been on my mind lately. I've been thinking about if we are as special as we think we are (including myself). I've thought of a few things that might help us out.

1. It's not about you.
Where did this mindset of everyone has to see what I do come from? When did posting a biblical Facebook status become more important than being benevolent? We aren't Christians so that we can be recognized. Your talents are from God. Your dreams are from God. Your words are from God, so being seen just for the sake of being seen shouldn't be a priority. John 7:18 states, "Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him." We should start striving to do what God tells us to do not for the sake of being seen or applause, but just because God told us to do it.

2. It's not about you
(I hope you're starting to see a theme.) Everyone has an opinion. Literally, everyone. This means your opinion isn't going to match with everyone else's opinion on the planet. Since when did deciding if a church should offer food or should not offer food on Wednesdays become such a big deal? Or having music before the sermon or after the sermon? Honestly, I don't think Jesus cares, unless he straight up told you. If the pastor or youth pastor want to have food on Wednesdays, do it. If not, then don't. (This is all hypothetical.) You are under a person that God has placed in authority. You may disagree with them, but God ordained for them to be there. If they aren't doing their job correctly, God will take care of it. It's not your job. Romans 12:19 says, "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord." The whole reason we are on the earth is to tell people about Christ. Our opinions over which translation of the Bible to read shouldn't matter. This leads me to my last point.

3. It. Is. Not. About. You. 
or me. or your pastor. or the televangelist. or your role model. It's all about Jesus. God sent his only son to die for everyone to have eternal if they believe in him. So shouldn't we be showing the love of God instead of trying to be famous in the eyes of man or arguing over things that aren't important?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


This is my second blog post about Clark and I am not ashamed. Once again, I'm trying not to make this post sound like I'm fangirling (which I totally am but that's besides the point). As a Lee University student and being apart of the COG since I was born, I am incredibly proud of how Clark has represented himself.

Honestly, I am so glad that a man of God is in the top 2 of American Idol. His positivity and humbleness is so refreshing to see on television. He is setting an example for the world to see. I mean have you seen his social media posts?! One of his tweets from tonight said, "I thank God for where I am and for all of you and I must say, it's a big responsibility, but I would be honored to be your next American Idol."

Who does that? If I was on American Idol most of my tweets would consist of nervous break downs and/or really really terrible jokes. His composure is something that most people don't have and his love of the Lord is incredible. I had a friend recently say how tired they were about hearing about Clark and maybe there other people that feel the same way, but no one can deny the impact that Clark has made. His character reminds me of the verse Luke 14:11, "For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."

All of this swooning over Clark to say that he is setting an incredible example for us. Challenging us to be humble and to show love in a world that needs it. Isn't it what we are supposed to do? Aren't we supposed to get out of our comfort zones for the sole purpose of showing the love of Christ to those who need it? According to 1 Corinthians 16:14, we must do everything in love. Who knows the amount of people Clark has touched just by being the man God has called him to be.

So as the finale of American Idol nears,(It's tomorrow night, y'all. Vote for Clark like crazy.) I'd like to wish Clark good luck (again). Whether he wins or not, he is a champion just because of the example he is setting for everyone.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Night of the Rabid Raccoon

Let me just type about how weird my night was last night. It was arguably the weirdest night I have had so far being a Lee. The creepy picture of the evil genius raccoon will be explained shortly, but let me just start from the beginning.

Last night was the last night of finals week. (PRAISE!) My friend, Whitney, and I were about to go get dinner when she calls me to come to her dorm. I get in there and she has one stink bug trapped under a bowl and another one is chilling by the window. Y'all. I hate bugs. HATE THEM. Whitney needed help getting them out though so I go and get a wet paper towel and put soap on it to grab them. Well, I, being the easily frightened person that I am, can not seem to grab these things. I'd go up to them and then squeal and freeze. It was a horrible experience. We finally resulted in coaxing these flying demons out of the room by opening the window and pushing them out with bowls. Please imagine two sophomores in college walking around a dorm room with bowls and wet paper towels covered in soap. It was an interesting situation.

Well, we went to dinner and came back to her dorm to study. Obviously, we weren't really studying. We were lip syncing to Jonas Brothers and talking about random things. All of a sudden, I hear a buzzing noise. My thought process is, "Oh lord... Please Jesus don't let it be one of those winged demons again." Of course it was. It was another stink bug. This one was smart though. It stayed on the ceiling so that we couldn't catch it. I wasn't taking it. Whitney and I decided to move to library. Nothing really bad happened at the library. We should have just stayed there, but of course I wanted caffeine. We decided to go to the SMC (Lee building lingo). This is when all the fun started.

We get to the SMC and decide to go to the bathroom before we head up to the great room. (no really. Thats the name of it. The great room.) We walking in the bathroom and all the lights are off. So I just shut the door and turn my phone flashlight on. For some reason, Lee did not put a light switch in this bathroom. So Whitney and I are just wondering around this pitch black bathroom with flashlights look for a light with. We basically looked like we were setting up a horror movie. Next thing I know. I look up and Whitney is just standing by the stalls staring at me which obviously does not help the situation. We didn't know the bathroom had an automatic air freshener. The air freshener goes off and Whitney bolts out the bathroom door. So I follow her out the door while laughing so hard that I can't breathe. It is then when we notice people are in the hallway studying and probably saw/heard everything. So we just awkwardly walk up to the great room.

After we get done in the great room, we decide to go back to the dorm. Whitney, in all of her sarcastic wisdom, decides to say, "Hey! Look at the full moon! All the crazies are going to be out!" I kid you not. Not even 15 seconds later we hear a group of girls scream at the top of their lungs and then a couple seconds after that we heard car tires screech. So, at the point, I'm freaking out fully convinced in my head were are about to be murdered. We walk to turn by the clock tower/ cafeteria area when the couple walking in front of us jumps back and screams. We look at the bushes and there is this raccoon running through all the bushes like a maniac. Whitney and I, instead of being mature college girls, scream at the top of our lungs and run through the clock tower while screaming. I just fall to the ground laughing. This night has just been a trial at this point. I watch the couple in front us try to brush off the fact that they screamed. Like, no. I heard you scream and jump backward. You can't brush it off. Anyways, Whitney and I decide to walk back to the dorm and I turn around to look back at the bushes and I see this raccoon running. I can't tell if it's running at us or if it's just running but I say "Whitney, that thing is still moving." I turn around to look at her and she is already running down the Ped Mall, so I start running to catch up with her. The Ped Mall is in one of the most open/populated places on campus, so you know people heard us scream and saw us run. We weren't running gracefully either. We finally cross the road when we turn around and see campus safety driving in the direction we came from. They probably thought someone got kidnapped with how loud our screams were. #SorryGuys.

All of this to say, I am so glad God brought me to Lee so that I could make friend that I feel comfortable enough around to walk around dark bathrooms and run away from rabid raccoons with.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Our GroupMe Picture Is An Old Lady

The pictures above is some of the wonderful ladies I have had the pleasure of living on the same hall with this year. It describes us perfectly. We're just one big happy, quirky family. Tonight, we had our last big get together. (Whoever picked Aubrey's as the go to place, thank you. It's was delicious.) As I sit in my dorm room on my last Saturday night at Lee, I want to "blog out" (I guess?) some of the thoughts I had tonight.

It's hard to believe that 10 months ago we were all meeting for the time in the lounge. We were all nervous, scared, and some of us awkward (aka me). Our RA, Jordan, told us told us we were going to say our names, majors, and where we are from. (If you are not in college, you will do this at least 10 times your first year at a university. Trust me.) We all started making sure we knew exactly where we were from. Making sure we didn't mess up or do anything embarrassing. We all wanted to make a good impression. We all weren't really sure if we were going to like Lee or not, yet.

As the year continued, we got more comfortable with each other. We went through some changes. We had some wonderful people leave and some equally amazing people join. Eventually, we became a family. I don't know what I would have done without our family. From the night Kiersten, Tati, and I were talking in their room and realized it was two in the morning to the time I broke down in small group because Spring Convocation turning me into a puddle of tears, I just want to thank all of you for being exactly who you are and being there for one another. I know others feel the same. Because of this hall, I have learned to love unconditionally. Our hall wouldn't have been as amazing if we all tried to stay to ourselves. There is nothing like making friends that you know will last a lifetime.

So as this year comes to a close and we all start to go our separate ways, this year will have a special place in our hearts. We may not be living together next year, but we will always have each other. I wish you all the best summer ever and a successful journey at Lee. I"ll just end this with a quote.

"And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)


be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,
you're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way!” - Dr. Seuss