The Beauty of Cleveland

The Beauty of Cleveland

Sunday, November 15, 2015

A Letter to Paris

Dear City of Love,

I've been trying to think of what to say or if I needed to say anything at all. I've been trying to rationalize what has happened. I've been trying to think of eloquent words to portray how this has effected my community, but all I can say is I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that you were shown everything but love. I'm sorry that evil reared its ugly head and you were the victim. I'm sorry that so many precious lives were lost. I'm sorry you no longer feel safe. I'm sorry the peace that you held so dear is shattered. I'm sorry walking the streets has become anxiety ridden instead of joyful. I'm sorry your families no longer feel comfortable in their homes. I'm sorry you are suffering, but most of all, I'm sorry about us.

I'm sorry it takes tragic events for us to care about people in other nations. I'm sorry we decided to pray for you after the attacks happened, but never thought about it before. I'm sorry we can continue with our normal lives, but you can't. I'm sorry we don't hold our loved ones near, a privilege that part of your population no longer has. I'm sorry we don't care for the people around us even though you have lost so many around you. I'm sorry we are trying to weigh the losses in other countries, when so many have lost so much. I'm sorry that our own political agendas get in the way of showing the love you were built on. I'm sorry we're selfish and though we recognize what has happened to you, we do not feel that it should apply to us. I'm sorry these things are never going to change, though I hope they will.

I hope that one day you can find peace again and I hope that we will be apart in giving you that peace. I hope one day your people can smile again. I hope that the day will come when joy becomes a prominent part of you lifestyle, but until that day, we love you. Know that #PrayforParis is more than a hashtag.

A girl from across the waters

Friday, November 13, 2015

An Open Letter To The Person Who Doesn't Feel Enough

Dear Reader,

Enough is such an intimidating word, isn't it? I'd rather someone tell me they just don't like me rather beat around the bush and basically say, "You're just not enough." People may not say that word for word, but our minds sure do get what they are saying.

 I've been where you are. Actually, I am where you are, so let me relate to you. We are caught in the in-between. We feel as if we are on this teeter totter of "enoughness" and we never sway to either side. We are just stuck in the middle, feeling as if we are never going to be enough for anything. Thoughts are constantly racing through our head that end with the statement ", but am I enough?"

"I'm doing good in class, but am I smart enough?"

"I'd really like to get to know that person, but am I enough for them?"

"I'm trying out for something, but am I good enough?"

"I'm pretty, but am I pretty enough?"

"I'm funny, but am I funny enough?"

The list can go on and on about different things and different instances where we will dwell on if we are enough for something or someone. We feel like we almost make it. We're almost to the top, but we are just not quite... enough.

I'd like to tell you that we are enough. I'd like to say we just have to believe we are enough to be enough, but in actuality, we are not enough. We are never going to be enough. I realized this in the past couple of days. Let me give you a look into my life:

I decided to audition for a school play. If you know me at all, you know I just jump of the cliff of my comfort zone and am preparing my self to hit these jagged rocks at the bottom. I've been pacing my apartment. I've been calling my mom, who obviously keeps telling me I can't back out. Panic has made it's way into my body and this is all because I feel like I am not going to be enough. I might be good, but am I going to be good enough? It's constantly racing through my head and I finally came to realize that no, I am not going to be enough. I am not enough! I am not enough, on my own.

You see, we weren't made to be enough. God makes us enough. Actually, God makes us more than enough. So, regardless of how situations turn out and how people perceive us, if we follow the Lord, we are always going to be enough. One day, you'll find that person that thinks the stars were hung just for you, and you'll be enough. One day, you'll make this big break in your career, and you'll be enough. But until those days come, walk with your head high. Look people in the face and let them know that whatever they think or say about you will not phase you. Their words carry no weight because you are more than enough in the eyes of our Father and His words cancel out theirs.

With Love,
The Girl Who Is Enough

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Try To Be A Ruth In A Orpah World

I attend a mentoring class on Wednesday nights and last night we studied on the story of Ruth. I am obsessed with this story! Everything about it just makes me swoon. It's like the best love story in the Bible besides the gospel (which can relate to the story of Ruth, but another day, another blog). When we first started studying this last night I realized two things. One, I want to be someone's Ruth. Two, Boaz is a stud. As we studied a little deeper though, I started to think about some things that I think can apply to how we should show love today and can apply to ladies who are trying to find their future spouse.

1. Do not leave your Naomi.
We don't hear much about Orpah. The only things that we know about her is that her husband died and that she left Naomi. In Orpah's defense, Naomi did tell her to leave. Wasn't Orpah just obeying? Unlike Orpah, Ruth clung to Naomi. Other than the fact that Naomi was her family now, I believe Ruth understood that Naomi was greiving. Orpah left regardless of the fact that Naomi was hurting. Orpah knew that this was about to be a rough ride. Have you noticed that today we have a whole lot of orpahs? When life gets hard for people and we don't understand what they are going through, we say the stereotypical "I'll pray for you", and then never really pray for them. Much less than that, we never actually go out of our way to help them through life. Do not let the hurting to hurt alone. Cling to them. Love them. Serve them. Be a light to the people around you.

2. Ruth wasn't looking for Boaz, but she was taking care of Naomi.
Ruth wasn't gleaning in Boaz's field because she knew it was Boaz's field. Ruth was gleaning the field because she knew she needed to take care of her mother in law, Naomi. Ruth shows the fact the love is an action. Gleaning was a difficult job and Ruth gleaned all day just to make sure Naomi had food to eat. Ruth's action of love attracted Boaz to her. It wasn't her looks or her status. While I do believe that it is important for us to take care of our selves, I believe our love for other people is more important. Our genuine love for others with attract others to us. I don't understand why this has become an foreign concept. To attract Godliness, we must strive to be Godly.

3. Your parents are important.
Ruth treated her mother in law like she was a queen. If it wasn't for Ruth's obedience to her mother in law, Ruth would have never gotten Boaz. Ruth would have never known that Boaz was the kinsman redeemer. Ruth wouldn't have went and laid at Boaz's feet because that was Naomi's idea in the first place. Ruth's obedience and love for her mother in law ushered in the man of God that was supposed to be in her life. That shouldn't be any different today. Your parents are wise. Your parents deserve respect. If you don't love and support your parents, why would God send the person you are supposed to marry if you can't respectfully love the family you already have? This just goes back to the idea that to attract Godliness, we must strive to be Godly.

Stop trying to look for Boaz and just love other people so God can bring your Boaz to you.