The Beauty of Cleveland

The Beauty of Cleveland

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dear, My Only Safe Haven

This post is about the band My Only Save Haven. (Pictured above) Their EP Letters just came out on iTunes and it is bomb! (If you don't know what bomb means, it means it's really really really good.) It's not only amazing because Kayla Saunders sings like an angel but, because My Only Save Haven is one of the rare bands that try to bring hope.

Obviously, there are a ton of great bands around. I mean, come on y'all! Maroon 5 is the epitome of hotness, but I've never heard a Maroon 5 song and consciously thought about my life. All Maroon 5 makes me want to do is dance and marry Adam Levine. (He's already married. I know. No need to remind me.) My Only Safe Haven though? It's a completely different story. The songs Today and Beautiful Life make me sit and think about what I'm doing with my life. Am I making a difference? Where does God want me to go? Am I acting like it's a beautiful life or am I acting like life is the struggle and it doesn't get better? These questions bring me to the song I really want to blog about.

The song is titled This Is Your Story, Not a Goodbye Letter. The title itself just kind of smacks you in the face with emotion. When I first heard this song, I was at a My Only Safe Haven concert in West Virginia. It was over Christmas break and if you have read my first blog post, you might understand the depressed an emotional state I was in. I didn't know if my life was actually my story anymore and honestly, I didn't care. I wanted it to be my goodbye letter. At this concert, I was thinking about what I wanted to do. I knew I needed to get better, but I really didn't want to tell anyone about it. When I heard this song, it finally hit me that the depressed state I was in would pass if I wanted it to. If I decided to be determined to choose joy and not look at myself as invisible and as someone whose opinion didn't matter, the dark place I was in could turn into being part of my story, which it has. This song was the pivotal point when I started having the mindset that I could get better if I wanted to. If it wasn't for hearing this song, who knows if I would have had the mindset that prepared me to change. Who knows where I would be now? So on behalf of the people who struggle or have struggled with depression, thank you My Only Safe Haven for not being afraid to write a song about a taboo subject. Y'all will never know how much hope you bring and how much hope you will continue to bring. And to my readers? In the words of My Only Safe Haven, it's a beautiful life. Just open your eyes.

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