The Beauty of Cleveland

The Beauty of Cleveland

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Clark BAEckham

Judging by the title of this blog, you're probably thinking "Brook is going to blog about how she fan girls over Clark Beckham. Lord, help us all." That is not the case (but those eyes though). If you don't know who Clark is, you live under a rock, but I'll fill you in. Clark is one of the top contestants on American Idol. Not only is he an amazing singer, but he also attended Lee University which is where I am typing this blog currently. (*shameless plug* Go Flames! Vote Clark!) Do I personally know Clark? No, but I don't have to know him to learn something from him.

As Clark continues his journey on American Idol, it is truly inspiring how he is using his talents for the Lord. He reminds me of the verse Jeremiah 29:11 which states, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Clark isn't even a music major. As Dr. Conn announced in our chapel service this morning, Clark is actually a history major. Do you honestly believe that when Clark chose his major his first thought was "I'm going to graduate and then be on American Idol."? He might have, but probably not.

Clark was most likely like every one of us when we were/are (what up, freshmen?) freshmen in college. We're scared. We're awkward. We want our mom even though we won't admit it, and we just want everyone to like us. We want one person to consider us one of the cool kids. No one plans to be awesome, but God plans for us to be incredible. Did Clark plan to make it big on American Idol? Probably not, but God did. Did the Robertson's plan on becoming A-List celebrities because of duck calls? Probably not, but God did. Did George Washington plan on being the first leader of one of the most free countries on the planet? Probably not, but God did. God has uniquely designed a plan for each of us. A plan that no one else will be able to accomplish like we do. All we have to do is listen and obey. So to end this blog post I would like to wish good luck to Clark Beckham on the rest of his journey on American Idol, but to also encourage you to listen to the Lord because his plans for you are beyond your wildest imagination.

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